Centova Cast: Control

This changelog is based on the following apps

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.streampanel.flutter_centovacast_api
IOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/centova-cast-control/id1525863938

This product is no longer available separately. The source code of the applications will be published by us soon.

1.1.0 (Android)
  • 1 year ago Update Libraries / dependencies updated to current state.
  • 2 years ago Add Android 13 Support
  • 2 years ago Add IOS 15 Support
  • 2 years ago Add Dependencies updated and code adapted accordingly
  • 2 years ago Removed Firebase Analytics removed
1.0.8 (Android)
  • 3 years ago Fixed The left drawer menu did not work after the last update.
1.0.7 (Android)
  • 3 years ago Update Minimum SDK version has been adjusted from 16 (Android 4.1) to 19 (Android 4.4) due to dependency "flutter_html".
  • 3 years ago Update All dependencies have been brought up to date.
  • 3 years ago Add Android 10 Support
  • 3 years ago Add Android 11 support
  • 3 years ago Add Android 12 Support
1.0.6 (IOS)
  • 4 years ago Update 1.0.5 was not accepted by Apple because of the small debug banner in the screenshots.
1.0.5 (IOS)
  • 4 years ago Update SDK update to add IOS 14 support.
  • 4 years ago Add Changelog reference in the app.
  • 4 years ago Update Libraries have been updated.
  • 4 years ago Fixed Design adaptations for devices where we were aware of problems.
  • 4 years ago Update Devices icons on Android and IOS are not as wanted. New try.
  • 4 years ago Update IOS APP name now Correct?
  • 4 years ago Fixed Bug fixes from the first version
  • 4 years ago Add First version
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