
The changelog is available since 03 October 2019 and should give you a quick insight about the latest changes. For more details, please refer to the STREAMPANEL news.

  • 3 months ago Update Comments reactivated.
  • 3 months ago Update Support instructions amended.
  • 4 months ago Add A first AI implantation. It is difficult to create more verification rules without upsetting honest users. This implantation does not prevent fake votes, which are still occasionally exploited by some, but this implantation now always runs on Fridays at a random time. The time varies depending on the system load. The calculation of the AI requires enormous computing power. The AI checks all existing votes and now removes votes from the database that are simply duplicates. For example, there are users who cast 6 votes at once on the same device, be it with Firefox, Edge, Safari and so on. It is clear from the outset that only one vote should be cast per device. Then there are clever people who use browser plugins to influence the user agent. Here too, the AI is really good at removing fake user agents. Votes from fake user agents are now always removed, regardless of whether they were voted correctly or not. The future will show to what extent the computing power can be reconciled with the operation of the top list. The whole thing is not yet perfect. I still see discrepancies when I check manually. But I will continue not to intervene manually in the project. There has to be a technical solution or there is none at all. Let's hope that the direction is now the right one. Get in touch if you think the calculation is making mistakes. Incidentally, the ChatGPT API and Microsoft's Azure AI interfaces are used here.
  • 4 months ago Fixed Errors 1001 and 1008 deactivated for the time being. They cause problems together with the new ones.
  • 4 months ago Fixed 1013 has been removed.
  • 4 months ago Update All cookies have been revised.
  • 4 months ago Update Recognition and fingerprint have been modernized on the code side.
  • 4 months ago Add A new error code 1005 has been added. (Can be bypassed by logging in for the time being).
  • 4 months ago Add A new error code 1009 has been added. (Can be bypassed by logging in for the time being).
  • 4 months ago Fixed An error in error code 1007 & 1008 has been corrected.
  • 4 months ago Add A new error code 1010 has been added. (Can be bypassed by logging in for the time being).
  • 4 months ago Update console.log has been removed everywhere. This means that debug information no longer leaks out.
  • 4 months ago Add A new error code 1011 has been added. (Can be bypassed by logging in for the time being).
  • 4 months ago Add A new error code 1012 has been added. (Can be bypassed by logging in for the time being).
  • 4 months ago Add A new error code 1013 has been added. (Can be bypassed by logging in for the time being).
  • 4 months ago Add A new error code 1014 has been added. (Can be bypassed by logging in for the time being).
  • 4 months ago Add A new mechanic for tracking votes.
  • 4 months ago Removed Error 1005 has been completely removed.
  • 4 months ago Update Error 1006 has been extended by fingerprinting. For experts who try to deny cookies, the voting process is automatically denied.
  • 4 months ago Update Error 1006 can no longer be bypassed with a user account. That was a logical error. No votes without cookies. The user account is irrelevant!
  • 4 months ago Update Once again, VPNs were used that are not yet on the block list. This was made up for. Unlike usual, the voices of radios were removed this time.
  • 4 months ago Update Error 1005, where devices were sometimes recognized twice even though the users had not actually voted, has been fixed. Although this is not a frequently occurring scenario in direct comparison to the frequency of votes, it does happen. This error message can now be bypassed by a user account.
  • 4 months ago Add Error 1008 has been added. Unfortunately necessary. As always, I do not describe the technology of the error codes. If you come across the error innocently, please be so kind as to create a user account. As a registered user, this error can be bypassed.
  • 6 months ago Update External advertising has already been removed in previous versions. We are now limiting ourselves to in-house advertising with small banners that should not be disruptive. This update optimizes the ads on the Top100 and adds two more areas. Bookings are now also displayed on outgoing links and the votes.
  • 11 months ago Add Fingerprinting V4 has been implanted. For the time being, it is observed and V2 continues to take effect as before.
  • 11 months ago Add The OpenAI API has been integrated. Let's see how we can let AI help in the Top100 in the future. We are watching here as well.
  • 11 months ago Update PHP version of WebradioTop100 was determined to be version 7.1. This ensures that we can update PHP to 8.1 and update to the latest Laravel version. For now we are watching the latest changes for bug reports.
  • 11 months ago Removed Bulma can be removed.
  • 11 months ago Removed Old. sass files can also be gone.
  • 11 months ago Update Some radios had to be removed due to warnings from special virus programs. 16 radios are affected. It is best to report to support if you are affected.
1.8.6 (The WebradioTop100 exists since 2006. Time to clean up!)
  • 11 months ago Update Superfluous code has been removed.
  • 11 months ago Update Login via social networks was removed. The whole thing stopped working for probably 2+ years.
  • 11 months ago Update Removed obsolete queries to make the website faster.
  • 11 months ago Removed Google Ads completely removed. Seriously, this nonsense claps no matter how far I put down the website abnormally with advertising. And at the end there comes something with rum, which can not even finance the operation of the page. Google also seems to pay no attention to its own words when it comes to loading time. "Fast websites are what we want. Fast websites are preferred in the search". This makes you wonder why then the integration of Google Ads affects the loading time in such a way. This distance alone accounts for 4-6 seconds and 8 requests.
  • 11 months ago Removed Due to the discontinuation of Google Ads, the large cookie banner from Google with felt 1000 providers is also no longer needed.
  • 12 months ago Add 1 New VPN found and locked.
  • 12 months ago Update Dear people. If you write to me in support and do not get an answer check your email inboxes. Also the spam folder or use one of the known freemail providers. the error messages have also been adjusted in this regard to point out. Answers are usually available in minutes. Only rarely in hours. And certainly not after several days.
  • 1 year ago Update 2 procedures were too error prone and were removed.
  • 1 year ago Update The database now permanently records the time of the votes. Until now, the time was deleted. This will help me to look and check in the code if really 3 hours were kept.
  • 1 year ago Update I had to tone down the last update a bit.
  • 1 year ago Update The system processes detections in sequence until one of these functions returns = True. I have sorted the order of the detections once differently.
  • 1 year ago Add 1 New VPN provider in the block list.
  • 1 year ago Update The Logic since 1.7.7 has not always gripped. I have now tested it once through and with 1.8.0 the changes from 1.7.7 should now take effect.
  • 1 year ago Update Further update to improve 1.7.7.
  • 1 year ago Update Update 1.7.7 reworked once again.
  • 1 year ago Add A new verification procedure for votes from the same users who get a new IP address through router reboots. (It's a minimal review that doesn't overlap with other users of other radio stations).
  • 1 year ago Add A new verification procedure is applied exclusively to users of the same radio station (Applies to all radio stations). This procedure also deals with router restarts. However, it is limited to the station that is currently being accessed and is somewhat stricter. It is highly unlikely that users in the same station have the same Internet connection. If this is the case, it is the same contract and the same circumstances. Even then, there is an unlikely probability that both users will be assigned the same IP ranges by the provider.
  • 1 year ago Update Added new VPN providers to the block list.
  • 1 year ago Update 2 new providers locked used for voting 🙁
  • 1 year ago Removed An old locking method from the early days of the toplist before we took you over has been removed.
  • 1 year ago Add Found 3 more VPN providers.
  • 1 year ago Update Just a note: I noticed that the votes have not changed despite deletion. I am Unsure if the system is reworking this. My memory 🙁 If this is not so, I can not change this for the current round.
  • 1 year ago Update A new VPN provider has been blocked. Once again, Amazon. Apparently Amazon's cloud has several international names. You have to contact me if you suspect something again. It may take some time until I have all the names for the block in the database.
  • 1 year ago Update Due to the mass of this VPN provider, I deleted 356 votes in the database of several radios.
  • 1 year ago Fixed Apparently I made a mistake for the deletion of the radios. Anyway, one radio has reported which was deleted by the system. The error is fixed and hopefully it remains with this one radio.
  • 1 year ago Fixed There were a few reported radios which no longer exist. There was an error in the admin which prevented a deletion.
  • 1 year ago Update Striemen was removed. I simply do not have the time and it goes like this 🙂.
  • 1 year ago Update Honest lasts longest. Said at least at a time where I was still growing up :). 4 providers which are alienated with your services as VPN purpose have crept in and are blocked.
  • 1 year ago Fixed Amazon Technologies Inc. = aws.amazon.com
  • 1 year ago Fixed Opera Software AS = Opera's new VPN, proxy services
  • 1 year ago Fixed HostRoyale Technologies Pvt Ltd = https://hostroyale.com/
  • 1 year ago Fixed M247 Europe SRL = https://m247.com/
  • 2 years ago Update Design improvements have been made in some areas.
  • 2 years ago Removed We actually had a Google Plus link on the side of the page. This has now been removed.
  • 2 years ago Update Radios can now be reported again at the start of each round.
  • 2 years ago Removed The tab "Top web radios by listeners" has been removed. The idea was good, but I don't think it would be worth giving out such statistics.
  • 2 years ago Removed Removed Google's recaptcha. This should affect loading times in particular.
  • 2 years ago Add The player on the detail pages now authenticates itself as the referrer "webradiotop100.de". With a proper statistical evaluation, you can now see how many listeners tune in from the top list.
  • 2 years ago Update The advertising volume on the part of Google was too high for me personally. I reduced it by half. Give feedback if something bothers you. (May take 24 to 48 hours to kick in.)
  • 2 years ago Add Friendly note on adblockers.
  • 2 years ago Update Small update on the tracking process.
  • 2 years ago Fixed A legitimate fiber provider was mistakenly marked as a VPN.
  • 3 years ago Fixed The external provider we used to query IP addresses has discontinued the free service. We have switched to another provider and the system prevents VPN votes again.
  • 3 years ago Fixed One of the latest updates accidentally removed VPN locks when voting.
  • 3 years ago Update We have now completely removed the Static Ads from Google Adsense and switched to the new more user friendly Responsive Ads.
  • 3 years ago Fixed There was a scenario where some users received an internal error at the end of the voting process. This should be fixed now and should not occur for anyone.
  • 3 years ago Fixed An error was displayed when the voting process was called for the first time. This could be fixed via a reload. The cause is now fixed.
  • 3 years ago Fixed The cron was forgotten to communicate the change from 1.6.0. Thus, the cookies were not deleted from the database after 3 hours and you could no longer vote.
  • 3 years ago Fixed Now no more devices should collide during device detection. The message that has already been voted should no longer be displayed as unauthorized.
  • 3 years ago Update Something about the design was flawed.
  • 3 years ago Update All error messages now have a short reason. So that it becomes more comprehensible.
  • 3 years ago Update IPs in the same household can vote if a user account is used. One user account ensures that the same device cannot be used for multiple accounts.
  • 3 years ago Update The IP detection has been changed.
  • 3 years ago Fixed There was an error message at the end of the voting process. It is clear where it comes from. Please report again from now on if it is fixed or a new message appears.
  • 3 years ago Update It is inexplicable to me that the vote counter can be driven higher than it should? The cronjob now corrects the vote counter every minute by itself if necessary.
  • 3 years ago Add There are users who are on the WLAN with their cell phones and vote. After that, the WLAN is switched off and the mobile network is used for voting. This should now be prevented by a new detection.
  • 3 years ago Update 2 new VPN providers on the block list.
  • 3 years ago Update There are again more votes in the listing as available in the database. It is now ensured that the vote button can only be pressed once. (If this does not help, we will change the way the system counts the votes).
  • 3 years ago Fixed The TOP 20 web radio stations were reduced to their real votes.
  • 3 years ago Update Vote display reduced from 15 to 12.
  • 3 years ago Add Added the possibility to browse the votes to the details page. (The vote ID is the ID in the database. Please report votes with the same city and consecutive ID's).
  • 3 years ago Update To make the comment and vote column equal, the votes were increased from 10 to 15 per ad.
  • 3 years ago Fixed A bug with the fingerprinting of votes has been fixed.
  • 3 years ago Update The indication of when the top list is updated is now more accurate.
  • 3 years ago Fixed An error about double votes was submitted today. This time the cause was traceable. Version 1.5.1 ensures that entries in the database can only be unique.
  • 3 years ago Update New rounds now always start on Fridays at 8pm!
  • 3 years ago Update The current round was ended due to non-existent fairniss. (Report more gaps!)
  • 3 years ago Fixed The banner for the radio of the day was not fixed at its fixed width. This caused the page to shift when radios did not adhere to the size specifications.
  • 4 years ago Fixed Random webradios have had a wrong sort. Should now match? (Must be watched, query is not 100% Live and is cached between).
  • 4 years ago Add New webradios are now displayed on the start page.
  • 4 years ago Update 20 webradios per page. (Advertising in between first removed)
  • 4 years ago Add The start page can now be filtered by different categories. (Still category ideas? Then write me.)
  • 4 years ago Update 3 New providers on blocking list.
  • 4 years ago Fixed Fixed a bug in the player.
  • 4 years ago Update The Radioplayer has been completely reworked. Changelog can be found here (https://www.streampanel.net/changelog-spradio/) under version 0.0.2.
  • 4 years ago Update 3 New providers for the obligation to register 😉
  • 4 years ago Update Internal update for recognition.
  • 4 years ago Update The webradio of the day is now also presented on the detail pages. (Randomly based in the rest)
  • 4 years ago Update SPAds have been inserted more seamlessly into the design.
  • 4 years ago Update Automatic Google Ads often destroyed the design. I have removed these and replaced them with targeted placements.
  • 4 years ago Update Added 1 button to the error descriptions on the start page to make it easier to leave this area.
  • 4 years ago Update Update for the new STREAMPANEL AdNetwork
  • 4 years ago Add The mandatory cookie has been extended to include the provider of the Internet connection. The provider detection is running in test mode and does not apply any visible restriction yet.
  • 4 years ago Fixed Faulty provider in VPN detection.
  • 4 years ago Update A bug in the vote query from 1.41 is fixed.
  • 4 years ago Update The Top100 is currently moving. The page will be available again in the course of the day.
  • 4 years ago Update The reload for missing cookies has been removed and supplemented by an error message with possible solutions. (Error 1006)
  • 4 years ago Update The detection rate of existing devices has been extended. (There are still users with multiple votes. If someone knows the procedure, please report).
  • 4 years ago Fixed There has been a user who incorrectly could not vote after the last changes. This user was in conflict with a user of another radio which used exactly the same setup. The system has now been extended so that votes are checked radio and not platform-based.
  • 4 years ago Update Better error handling with the new error codes. Important information is now pre-filled in the subject.
  • 4 years ago Update The system now ensures that cookies were set when the voting process was called directly.
  • 4 years ago Fixed A bug was fixed which did not show the voting process at the first call. (Reload was necessary.) Thanks to Sunrise Radio
  • 4 years ago Fixed Bug with adblockers is fixed. Thanks to DrachenHerzRadio ( DHR )
  • 4 years ago Update Update 1.31 is live again.
  • 4 years ago Fixed Fixed a bug that prevented voting when using adblockers in browsers.
  • 4 years ago Update Update 1.31 is paused for the users it affects until a solution is found.
1.32 & 1.33
  • 4 years ago Fixed A logic error was fixed which could cause an error when calling the voting process.
  • 4 years ago Update Update 1.24 is completely live. Get in touch if something *really* doesn't fit.
  • 4 years ago Add System was prepared for fingerprinting.
  • 4 years ago Update Changes from update 1.24 are partially live. (We have been collecting and allowing data on unauthorized votes for a few weeks. The dataset is now prevented. Too bad it can not be done otherwise! 🙁 )
  • 4 years ago Update Changes from update 1.24 are partially live. (Session check)
  • 4 years ago Update There was a change in the condition when a user can vote again.
  • 4 years ago Update This is a major update. The information is not public this time. (Also not on request!) Please report errors.
  • 4 years ago Update 2 additional providers were added to the system.
  • 4 years ago Update 10 more providers were added to the system.
  • 4 years ago Fixed An internal error in the PING IN / OUT procedure has been fixed.
  • 4 years ago Add The system has been prepared to prevent voting from multiple devices. In order to avoid errors, corresponding data must be collected over the next few weeks.
  • 4 years ago Update One vendor has been added to the system.
  • 5 years ago Update SEO Optimizations.
  • 5 years ago Update IP-Type "Business" must log in.
  • 5 years ago Fixed Fixed a bug that displayed an error message when opening the voting page.
  • 5 years ago Update Fewer users need to register to vote as before.
  • 5 years ago Fixed A problem with IPv6 has been fixed? (Please report if there are problems).
  • 5 years ago Removed Quantcast has been removed. (Will be replaced by its own solution).
  • 5 years ago Update Cookie Flag "secure". HTTPS-only cookies.
  • 5 years ago Update Web sessions are now exclusively encrypted.
  • 5 years ago Update Cookie names have been adjusted.
  • 5 years ago Update Session timeout adjusted from 120 to 720 minutes.
  • 5 years ago Update SEO restructuring / optimizations
  • 5 years ago Fixed "Turn on stream" detached from frame.
  • 5 years ago Update HTTPS forced for frames.
  • 5 years ago Update Fewer users need to register to vote as before.
  • 5 years ago Fixed SHOUTcast V1 now also works as long as the HTTP0/9 header is not assigned. (STREAMPANEL V1 systems are output in HTTP1/1).
  • 5 years ago Add A web player has been added to the detail pages. (Check the news for more information).
  • 5 years ago Add Internet method to test for cookie-free voting.
  • 5 years ago Update Basic design adjustments in a variety of places.
  • 5 years ago Update Fewer users will now be asked to sign up who previously had to sign up incorrectly.
  • 5 years ago Fixed Fixed a bug that prevented the creation of a new webradio.
  • 5 years ago Fixed Fixed a bug that gave an error message to accounts that have never voted before.
  • 5 years ago Add A mechanism has been implanted that makes it impossible for user accounts to vote multiple times within the 3 hour rhythm on multiple devices.
  • 5 years ago Add Rules have been added.
  • 5 years ago Removed Due to the new options, the checkbox was removed again when voting.
  • 5 years ago Fixed Fontawesome 4 upgrade to 5
  • 5 years ago Add When creating/editing the entry, another field for the upcoming history of the servers has been added.
  • 5 years ago Fixed With missing referer the detail page of the radio was not callable.
  • 5 years ago Add On the detail pages of the radios the last 10 votests are now displayed.
  • 5 years ago Fixed By mistake no first names under 6 letters were admitted.
  • 5 years ago Fixed The e-mail dispatch did not always work.
  • 5 years ago Fixed Profiles could not be processed in some cases.
  • 5 years ago Add Other VPN services have been blocked.
  • 5 years ago Update Internal logging for VPN detection has been extended.
  • 5 years ago Fixed Fixed a bug that always brought comments to the front when a message was posted.
  • 5 years ago Update The double reporting of comments / radios has been stopped. Contents are not to be reported again after a single report.
  • 5 years ago Add Improved SEO measures for increased findability of your web radio and the project in search engines.
  • 5 years ago Update A few design adjustments have been made.
  • 5 years ago Add This changelog was added to the WebradioTop100.
  • 5 years ago Add Introduction of strikes
  • 5 years ago Add Internal search functions to identify successful fraud attempts more easily.
  • 5 years ago Update Revised voting process to further limit automated voting procedures.
  • 5 years ago Add Google reCAPTCHA
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