STREAMPANEL Apps (Android)

This changelog is based on the following product:

Starting from version

The changelog before version is unfortunately no longer available.

API versions

Please make sure to keep your app up to date. Versions that are lower than the version numbers below will not continue to work on the specified dates!

  • Version as of 01 September 2019
  • Version as of 02 September 2019

This product is no longer available separately and has been / will be integrated into the SPCast platform:
  • 4 years ago Fixed Updating the library "" would exclude older Android devices below API level 15. Therefore, back to the old state for now.
  • 4 years ago Update Update from API level 28 to 29.
  • 4 years ago Update Dependent libraries have been updated.
  • 5 years ago Update Codebase was modernized and prepared for upcoming design changes.
  • 5 years ago Add Matomo Analytics (Self Hosted)
  • 5 years ago Add Amazon Mobile Hub / App Streaming / CDN (EU: Frankfurt)
  • 5 years ago Add Facebook Analytics
  • 5 years ago Fixed Fixed a bug that occurred when switching menus under certain circumstances.
  • 5 years ago Fixed Texts that are too long now scroll again and are thus fully readable again. (Top left in the menu)
  • 5 years ago Fixed Covers are now adjusted to the device size. (Stretch is used. Maybe not quite optimal?)
  • 5 years ago Update New API version. Update obligation see above.
  • 5 years ago Fixed Another bug which was related to the 64 bit update has been fixed.
  • 5 years ago Fixed Fixed a bug that prevented the player from playing on devices with native 64bit support.
  • 5 years ago Fixed Bugfix from
  • 5 years ago Fixed Again changes to the 64Bit update.
  • 5 years ago Update Internal change
  • 5 years ago Fixed An internal error in the processing of crash reports has been fixed.
  • 5 years ago Fixed Another fix when retrieving data via the new API structure.
  • 5 years ago Fixed Webview loading bar above content, was not fully populated on all devices.
  • 5 years ago Fixed Radioname in splash screen was not centered.
  • 5 years ago Fixed Internal data query does not work. Data query is related to the new API versions.
  • 5 years ago Add Introduction of API versions. This should prevent users from using outdated versions of the STREAMPANEL apps.
  • 5 years ago Add Internal queries are now made in "https" in all areas.
  • 5 years ago Add Android 8 (Official Support)
  • 5 years ago Add Android 9 (Official Support)
  • 5 years ago Add Android X (Official Support)
  • 5 years ago Add Google Policy Update: 64 Bit Support
  • 5 years ago Update Dependencies / libraries updated
  • 5 years ago Fixed Fixed bugs that were reported in the crash reports.
  • 5 years ago Add Internal release for automation
  • 5 years ago Update Notifications are grouped as of Android 7. The background service therefore no longer needs its own display.
  • 5 years ago Add Foreground Service was added.
  • 5 years ago Update Dependencies were brought up to date.
  • 5 years ago Fixed Fixed another bug that caused the radio to stop after 5-10 minutes under certain devices.
  • 6 years ago Fixed Fixed a bug that caused the radio to randomly stop after a few minutes starting with Android version 7.
  • 6 years ago Fixed Fixed a bug that caused a crash on most devices running Android version 7.
  • 6 years ago Update Notifications from Android version 7 are now available.
  • 6 years ago Fixed java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent
  • 6 years ago Fixed Various bugs under Android 8.0 and higher
  • 6 years ago Add Permission required as of Android 9: android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE
  • 6 years ago Update Experimental Update for: Android 8.0 / 8.1 / 9.0
  • 6 years ago Fixed Various bug fixes
  • 6 years ago Fixed Update to SDK version 28
  • 6 years ago Fixed Fixed a bug with the language display.
  • 6 years ago Fixed Fixed a bug that caused the radio to stop sporadically.
  • 6 years ago Add Radio will now not start if no internet connection is available.
  • 6 years ago Update Various stability and safety adjustments
  • 6 years ago Fixed On a few devices of different Android versions the app closed shortly after launch. We have made changes to the launch to counteract this.
  • 6 years ago Add Android 8.1 Support (Experimental)
  • 6 years ago Add Android 9.0 Support (Experimental)